Based in the Tenderloin neighborhood of San Francisco, Make Em Shine (MES) is a social enterprise with a triple bottom line(3BL) that focuses on People, Planet and Profit.
MES is committed to engaging socially disadvantaged communities.
MES is committed to paying a living wage, with incentive-based pay raises.
MES is committed to giving pay raises (of up to $25/hour) to colleagues who are actively enrolled in trade school (e.g. community college classes) as they progress through their classes.
MES is committed only to use LEED-rated products.
MES is committed to low water and low chemical usage in our process.
MES is committed to LEED-rated Products.
MES is committed to revenue models that are self-sustaining.
MES is committed to promoting entrepreneurship by example.
MES is committed to disseminating the Make Em Shine model to another metropolitan statistical area (MSA), first in the Bay Area, and then nationwide through a partnership with the Obama Foundation - My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK Alliance).